Production Operational Support
SAP Production Support is an area of expertise in which Radiant Consulting has a vast amount of experience with over 100+ combined years of advanced practical techniques. Our expertise covers all major SAP components, databases, operating systems and third party applications. The personnel at Radiant Consulting have been supporting SAP since 1990 until present day.
One of the primary areas of focus that we provide is a complete cause and effect understanding of providing operational production support. Operational support is more than simply understanding a transaction code and what it does. It involves a level of understanding that scales from the lowest TCP/IP network layer to the operating system and how it allocates resources, to the interaction between the various functional components and how they ALL interact with a production end-user and/or business process.
Radiant personnel truly understand the big picture and know how to convey it in a practical manner. This approach will always yield an expeditious and efficient solution that will address the root cause of the issue as opposed to the symptom. Our solution-driven methodology of operational support involves the following categories of expertise:

Please contact us in order to get specifics for operational support areas that you are interested in.